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Choosing a Web Tech course that's right for you...

If you've been working with Delphi for less than 3 months, you'll want to start with our Delphi Part I - Fundamentals course. This will get you up to speed on basic Pascal, writing event handlers, OOP, dynamic form management, and accessing desktop databases. If you're already comfortable with Pascal, and you've put together forms with event handlers, you should consider our Delphi Part II - More Fundamentals course. This will teach you how to use the more advanced controls such as list and tree views, how to create controls at run time, how to control MS-Word and MS-Excel using Active-X automation, will introduce you to Web development, and provide a second level understanding of OOP.

If you've already worked with Delphi for a year, and want to learn more about Object Oriented Programming, our 5 day Delphi Part III - Object Oriented Programming course is exactly what you need. 5 Full days on using classes, writing your own classes, and writing your own components which integrate into Delphi's IDE. This is an in depth course on Object Oriented Programming, the area where most developers struggle.

If you know OOP well, and want to learn how to write components, our 3 day Component Writing in Delphi course will get you on the right track. It will teach you how to create components from scratch, how to customize existing components, how to create data-aware components, and how to write component and property editors.

If you're using Delphi and you need to use ADO, then our 2 day Using ADO w/Delphi course will show you how to convert BDE applications to use ADO, and how to develop ADO based applications from scratch.

If you're using Oracle, MS-SQL Server, or Interbase, our Delphi Client Server Development (contact us for the outline) course covers everything you need to know about C/S development with Delphi. During the course you will take a supplied multi-from Paradox application and convert it, and the data, to Oracle, MS-SQL Server, and Interbase. If you're implementing multi-tier applications our Delphi Multi-tier Development course will teach you the ins and outs of COM, DCOM, CORBA, and MIDAS.

If you're doing database work, and you've already taken the Delphi Part I course, or have equivalent experience, our 5 day Delphi Database Development will get you up to speed with using Delphi against a variety of databases including MS SQL Server, Interbase, and Paradox. This in depth database development course covers things such as using SQL, using Client Datasets, editing read only result sets, managing update conflicts in a multi-user environment, implementing "briefcase" style applications, and much more.

If you're developing for the Web, our 5 day Web Development w/Delphi 5 course will get you up to speed on Delphi CGI applications. Upgrading to Delphi 6? To learn all about WebSnap and the new web development features in version 6, you will need to take our Delphi 6 Advanced Web Development course.

If you're doing COM development, our 3 day Delphi COM Programming course will get you on the right track. Learn how to write early and late bound Active X Servers and Clients, how to use type libraries, and more.

If you're interested in a combination of topics, and have two or more developers, a closed, customized course may be the best thing for you. It's cost effective, we can run the course at your site our ours, and you can mix and match topics from any of our courses, and combine it with an element of consultancy. Please call (800) 279 9717 to speak to a course coordinator.

If MS-SQL Server is your database, then these language independent courses will teach you the SQL Server side of things in detail. If you're implementing an application which uses MS-SQL Server, then our MS SQL Server 7 Database Implementation course teaches you the ins and outs of working with this database. If your role is more of a database or Web administrator then our MS SQL Server 7 System Administration course is for you. If you are using SQL Server 2000, check out our 2000 course outlines: MS SQL Server 2000 Database Implementation & MS SQL Server 2000 System Administration

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