XML in Visual Studio.NET XML Editing Tools | Creating and Transforming Schemas | XML Code Documentation
XML in the .NET Framework The System.Xml Namespaces | The MSXML Heritage | Parsing XML in .NET | Creating New XML | Transforming XML | XML Serialization
Reading and Writing XML Streams The pull model of SAX | XmlReader | Loading and Parsing XML | Reading XML Content | Supporting Classes | Using Name Tables | XmlNodeReader | XmlValidatingReader | XmlWriter | Creating XML on the Fly | Persisting Your New XML | Supporting Classes
The .NET DOM Extending the W3C DOM | Parsing XML | Ways of loading the DOM with data | Navigating the DOM | Searching for Data | Reading Content | Changing and Adding Data
Valid XML Support in .NET for Defining Structure | Creating XML Schemas | Schema Object Model | Validating XML | Linking XML to DTDs and Schemas | Performing Validation | Handling Events | Caching Schemas
Transforming and Searching XML XSLT and XPath in .NET | Basic XSLT Processing | Using XPath to Match XML | Selecting and Testing Nodes | Special XSLT Techniques | Embedding Script | XSLT Extensions
Data Access with ADO.NET and XML Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NET | Managed Data Providers | Loading Schema Information | Strongly Typed Datasets | Synchronizing XML and DataSets
XML and SQL Server XML Direct from SQL Server | Writing XML Data to SQL Server | SQLXML Managed Classes | SQL Server Web Services
Web Services and ASP.NET Creating Web Services | Automatic WSDL | Lathering Up SOAP | Building a Web Service Client | Asynchronous and Synchronous Calls | Transaction Support