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XML XSLT Web Services Training Course in UK

XML, Transformations, and Web Services
This course is scheduled or demand, or can be scheduled as a one on one or at your site. Click to send an email RE this course.
5 days


Who Should Attend?
Developers requiring a fast-paced introduction to the XML, XLST, XPath and web services.

Course Benefits


You Will Learn How To


Course Content

Introducing the Extensible Markup Language
What Is XML? | Working with XML Data | Well-Formed XML | XML Content Models | Well-Formed and Valid XML

Document Type Definitions (DTD)
The Value of Valid XML | Associating a DTD with XML | Defining the XML Content Model | Content Model Cardinality | Defining Attributes | Defining Custom Entities | What’s the Problem with DTD?

Schemas and Namespaces
XML Describing XML | Built-In Data Types | Defining Content Models | Deriving Types | XML Namespaces | Do I Really Need Valid XML?

Introducing XSLT
What Is XSLT? | Are You Sure This Is a Language? | Transformation Types | Processing XSLT | Matching XML with XPath

XML's Document Object Model
Object-Oriented View of XML | DOM Interfaces and Objects | A Parsing Alternative: Simple API for XML (SAX)

XML Presentation with Cascading Style Sheets
Separating Presentation from Data | The Structure of CSS | Formatting Data | Advanced CSS Formatting | XSL Formatting Objects

XSLT Simplified Stylesheets
The Essential Stylesheet | Using an XSL Blueprint to Create HTML | What Can’t a Simplified Stylesheet Do?

Using XPath to Get Around
What Is XPath? | Figuring Out Location Steps | Introducing XPath Functions

Adding Template Rules
What Are Templates? | Unsimplifying the Stylesheet | Using the Template Element | Other Top-Level XSLT Elements

XML Web Services
A Brief History of Remote Procedure Calls | Web Service Description Language (WSDL) | Introducing SOAP | Programming Raw SOAP | Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)

Extensible HTML (XHTML)
The Future of the Web: XHTML | The Details of XHTML | Well-Formed XHTML | Modular XHTML

Resource Description Framework (RDF)
The Semantic Web | Writing RDF | RDF Vocabularies

Traditional Programming Concepts and XSLT
Programming Concepts You Can Use | Working with Variables | Calling Named Templates | Using Functions | Creating Modular Stylesheet Solutions

Creating an XML Result Tree
XML-Structured Variables | XML Node Creation Elements

Doing Calculations in XSLT
Programming with No Side Effects | Applying Recursive Programming Techniques

Common XSLT Challenges
Applying XSLT | How Do I Group Data? | Grouping Data: Another Solution | How Do I Copy HTML Tags from the Data? | How Do I Add or Remove Whitespace?

Using Processor-Specific Extensions
The Mechanics of Extensions | Should You Use Extensions? | Recovering from Missing Extensions

Applied XML
The Complex World of XML | XML Query | Scalable Vector Graphics | Security and XML

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