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Delphi Advanced Training Course in UK - Delphi Training Class Outline

Delphi Power Programming
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5 days


A good working knowledge of Delphi, including familiarity with the IDE, the Pascal language, and OOP experience. Our Delphi Part I - Fundamentals course provides a solid base for this course.

Who Should Attend?

Programmers & consultants who develop Delphi applications and want to enhance their Delphi skills, knowledge and productivity. Any version of Delphi.

Course Benefits

The 32 bit environment provides a solid base for application development. Threads, Active X, Win 32 API, COM and DCOM change the way programmers approach development. This advanced Delphi training course provides a thorough coverage of advanced development with Delphi.

You Will Learn How To

  • Create custom components
  • Sub class Delphi components
  • Write and use ActiveX controls and ActiveX forms
  • Improve application performance using threads
  • Produce smaller executables with DLLs and packages
  • Use packages to dynamically add functionality
  • Implement and use OLE automation servers using COM and DCOM
  • Improve your Delphi skills by exploring the VCL source code
  • Use the WIN 32 API
  • Use frames to visually build composite components

Course Content

IDE Tips & Tricks
Overview of Delphi 4 IDE | Using Code Insight | Using Code Completion | Using Code Explorer

OOP Review
OOP Concept | The Delphi class hierarchy | Inheritance | Virtualization | Method Overloading

API Class Wrappers
Using class wrappers to interface with Win32 API | Accessing version information | Using memory mapped files

The TThread class | Creating a custom TThread | Synchronization | Accessing data using a thread | Criticas & mutexes | Multi-threaded database accessl sections | Semaphore

Using DLLs | Implicit & explicit loading | Writing function DLLs | Debugging DLLs | Exit & entry code | Callbacks

Using packages to reduce program size | Comparison with DLLs | Design time packages | Using the package collection editior | Explicit loading of packages | Using packages to implement plug ins

Custom Components
Subclassing VCL components | Component registration | Composite & container components | Graphical components | Wrapper components | Data Aware components | Component & property editors | Using the Tools API | Using the DsgnIntf unit | Defining custom property & component editors

Interface concepts | Building simple Interfaces | Implementing Windows shell extensions

COM, DCOM, & Automation Servers
COM & DCOM standards | Using the type library editior | Implementing Windows shell extensions

Using ActiveX controls | Using DAX to create ActiveX controls & forms from databases

Practical Sessions

  • Create an OLE Server which monitors memory
  • Learn how to use ActiveX, COM and DCOM
  • Directly interface to the Windows API
  • Use Threads to run a background query
  • Learn how to enchance TrichEdit to include a user interface
  • Learn how to use DLLs and packages
  • Take advantage of new Delphi features
  • Build a framework for managing plug ins stored in packages

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