IDE Tips & Tricks
Overview of Delphi 4 IDE | Using Code Insight | Using Code Completion | Using Code Explorer
OOP Review
OOP Concept | The Delphi class hierarchy | Inheritance | Virtualization | Method Overloading
API Class Wrappers
Using class wrappers to interface with Win32 API | Accessing version information | Using memory mapped files
The TThread class | Creating a custom TThread | Synchronization | Accessing data using a thread | Criticas & mutexes | Multi-threaded database accessl sections | Semaphore
Using DLLs | Implicit & explicit loading | Writing function DLLs | Debugging DLLs | Exit & entry code | Callbacks
Using packages to reduce program size | Comparison with DLLs | Design time packages | Using the package collection editior | Explicit loading of packages | Using packages to implement plug ins
Custom Components
Subclassing VCL components | Component registration | Composite & container components | Graphical components | Wrapper components | Data Aware components | Component & property editors | Using the Tools API | Using the DsgnIntf unit | Defining custom property & component editors
Interface concepts | Building simple Interfaces | Implementing Windows shell extensions
COM, DCOM, & Automation Servers
COM & DCOM standards | Using the type library editior | Implementing Windows shell extensions
Using ActiveX controls | Using DAX to create ActiveX controls & forms from databases