Application Design from the Ground Up Planning development strategy| Building an efficient database model | Designing a sound user interface | Structuring the application | Using the application wizard
Class Library Design Planning a class library | Communicating between classes | Using polymorphism to simplify class usage | Making classes truly generic
Advanced Buffering Techniques Using buffers to safeguard data | Dealing with multi-user conflicts | Handling validation rules & triggers
Introduction to ActiveX Exploiting ActiveX components in your application | Using the Treeview, Listbox & Common Dialog controls
Integrating with Other Applications Using the Treeview, Listbox & Common Dialog controls | Using OLE Automation to communicate between applications | Integrating VFP & Office 97 | Introduction to Web publishing | Using the Internet Explorer control
Client/Server Issues Introduction to ODBC | Connecting to a remote database | Optimizing remote views for improved performance | Prototyping with local views | Upsizing data to back-end servers | Using offline views
Other Topics Implementing drag-& -drop | Working with clipboard text | Interfacing with the Windows help system | Using the Windows API
Students will work on the design and development of a real application that will exploit the practical techniques learned in the class.