Introducing ASP.NET
Web Applications |How Web development differs from Desktop Development | ASP.NET Processing Model | Server-side Controls and Events | Web Application Clients | ASP.NET Features | ASP.NET compared to 'classic' ASP
Programming with HTML Controls
Web Forms and ASPX files | HTML elements and controls | "runat=server" | View State | Placing code in ASPX files | Using HTML Controls in Visual Studio.NET
Using Web Controls
Web Control Concepts | Intrinsic Web Controls | Dynamic Output | How Event Processing Works | AutoPostback | Validation Controls | Comparing Web Controls to HTML Controls
Working with Data
Overview of ADO.NET | Role of DataReaders and DataSets in Web Applications | DataViews | Data Binding | DataGrid Control | Binding Templates | Repeater Control | Binding to XML | Processing User Input to Update Databases
Web Application Architecture
How ASP.NET Works | IIS | The HTTP Runtime | Modules and Handlers | Code-behind functionality | Configuration files | Site administration | No-touch Deployment | Page Caching | Tracing (Page and Application)
Designing Web Applications
Controlling Application Navigation | Using FrameSets | Using Client-side Scripting | Working with Global asax, State Management (Application, Session, View, Cache) | Session Management, Creating Scaleable Web Applications
Web Application Security
Authentication -(Windows, Passport, Form) | Creating a Login Form | Authorization | Use Roles