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Visual Basic Development | USA Version Next Course Dates    
Cost / Duration Price: US $1,995, UK £1,495 + VAT | Duration: 5 days


Basic awareness of .NET and VB.NET (preferably gained via our course 'Introducing VB.NET') | Some familiarity with Web concepts such as HTML, Active Server Pages (ASP), and SOAP | Familiarity with ADO and SQL.

Who Should Attend?

Experienced VB programmers with a good understanding of .NET concepts.

Course Benefits

VB.NET is set to revolutionize the way we build Web applications. At last you can easily create robust, well-structured, easily maintainable Web applications that will run on any browser on any platform, using techniques you already know.

In this course, we show you how to use your existing VB skills with the powerful features of the .NET platform to build Web-based applications.

Practical Sessions:


" Using HTML and Server Controls to build Web Forms
Writing code for server events
Using Validation controls
Data binding on Web forms with ADO.NET
Using client-side scripting in .NET applications
State and session management with ASP.NET
Creating secure applications

Course Content:





Introducing ASP.NET
Web Applications |How Web development differs from Desktop Development | ASP.NET Processing Model | Server-side Controls and Events | Web Application Clients | ASP.NET Features | ASP.NET compared to 'classic' ASP

Programming with HTML Controls
Web Forms and ASPX files | HTML elements and controls | "runat=server" | View State | Placing code in ASPX files | Using HTML Controls in Visual Studio.NET

Using Web Controls
Web Control Concepts | Intrinsic Web Controls | Dynamic Output | How Event Processing Works | AutoPostback | Validation Controls | Comparing Web Controls to HTML Controls

Working with Data
Overview of ADO.NET | Role of DataReaders and DataSets in Web Applications | DataViews | Data Binding | DataGrid Control | Binding Templates | Repeater Control | Binding to XML | Processing User Input to Update Databases

Web Application Architecture
How ASP.NET Works | IIS | The HTTP Runtime | Modules and Handlers | Code-behind functionality | Configuration files | Site administration | No-touch Deployment | Page Caching | Tracing (Page and Application)

Designing Web Applications
Controlling Application Navigation | Using FrameSets | Using Client-side Scripting | Working with Global asax, State Management (Application, Session, View, Cache) | Session Management, Creating Scaleable Web Applications

Web Application Security
Authentication -(Windows, Passport, Form) | Creating a Login Form | Authorization | Use Roles

  After an overview of ASP.NET and its relationship to "classic" ASP, we examine HTML and server-based controls, and see how ADO.NET is used in a web-based environment.

We then examine .NET web applications in depth, including deployment, state management, session management, security, and other important issues.


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