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C#.Net training

VB.Net training

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VB Programming Fundamentals | USA Version Next Course Dates    
Duration 5 days


The course is intended for programmers and analysts who want to create business-orientated applications using Visual Basic.

Who Should Attend?

A good working knowledge of MS Windows 95, 98 or NT Version 4 is essential. Previous programming experience in a high-level language, or with MS Office (eg Excel Macros) is expected.

Course Benefits

VB is the easiest Windows programming system to learn. Over 4 million copies have been sold, and many users are self-taught. So, why not teach yourself? Because it's too easy to miss fundamental concepts while concentrating on the bells and whistles! This intensive course will give you all the essential background information you need to get off to a good start in your Windows programming career. You will benefit from the experience of a tutor who is also an active Visual Basic developer.

You Will Learn How To:


  • Use the Windows event-driven programming model
  • Use the simple but powerful Visual Basic language
  • Create state of the art Windows applications
  • Select and use Windows controls to their best advantage
  • Use the powerful Debugger
  • Use the Data control to develop simple database applications

Course Content









Introducing Visual Basic
VB - a language & a programming environment | Event-driven programming | Editions of Visual Basic | Creating projects & executables

Visual Basic Fundamentals
Objects & controls | Properties, methods & events | Working with forms | Controls & properties | Labels, textboxes & commandbuttons

Working with Code & Forms
Modules | Code Editor | Code navigation | Documentation & formatting | Environment options | MsgBox & InputBox | Constants & named arguments | Managing forms

Variables & Procedures
Declaring variables | Variable scope | Arrays & user-defined data types | Event & general procedures | Dates & times | Format function & text strings

Controlling Program Execution
Comparison & logical operators | If … Then … Else | Select Case | Looping Structures | For … Next & exiting a loop

Errors | Break mode | Debug toolbar | Watch window | Immediate & locals windows | Call stack

Working with Controls
Standard controls | ComboBox & ListBox | OptionButton & Frame | Selected text | Advanced standard controls | ActiveX controls | Insertable objects

Data Access Using the ADO Data Control
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) | Features | Relational databases | Using the ADO Data Control | Bound controls | Structured Query Language (SQL) | Recordsets | Data Form Wizard

Input Validation
Field-level validation | KeyPress, KeyUp, KeyDown & Validate events | TextBox properties | Masked Edit control | Form-level validation | Form events for validating data

Error Trapping
Run-Time errors | Error-handling process | The Err object | Error-handling routine | Inline error handling | Error-handling styles

Enhancing the User Interface
Menus | Menu Editor | Pop-Up menus | Status Bars | Toolbars

Drag & Drop
Mouse events | Dragging & Dropping | OLE Drag & Drop

More Controls
Collections | Object variables | Control arrays

Interacting with Users
The Clipboard | Keyboard handlers | Shell, AppActivate

Finishing Touches
User interface design principles | Distributing an application | Packaging & Deployment | Creating a default project

Hands-on Exercises
Experiment with VB's event-driven model | Construct dialog boxes using menus, & both built-in & ActiveX controls | Explore data validation techniques


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