SQL Server Overview What is Microsoft SQL Server? | SQL Server architecture | SQL Server security | SQL Server databases | Working with SQL Server
Overview of Transact - SQL Microsoft SQL Server programming tools | Transact-SQL programming language | Elements of Transact-SQL | Ways to execute Transact-SQL statements | How queries are processed
Creating Databases Introduction to databases | Working with databases | Modifying databases | Creating file groups | Library database | Creating data types | Creating tables | Generating scripts
Implementing Data Integrity Types of data integrity | Enforcing data integrity | Using constraints | Using defaults and rules | Deciding which enforcement method to use
Planning and Creating Indexes Introduction to indexes | Index architecture | Creating indexes | CREATE INDEX options
Querying Multiple Tables Combining data from multiple tables | Combining multiple result sets | Creating a table from a result set
Advanced Query Techniques Introduction to subqueries | Nested subqueries | Correlated subqueries | Using the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS keywords | Modifying data
Summarizing Data Using aggregate functions | GROUP BY fundamentals | Generating aggregate values within result sets | Using the COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY clauses | Listing the top n values
Managing Transactions and Locks Introduction to transactions and lock | Managing transactions | SQL Server locking | Managing locks
Working with Distributed Data Introduction to distributed queries | Executing an ad hoc query on a remote data source | Setting up a linked server environment | Executing a query on a linked server | Executing a stored procedure on a linked server | Modifying data on a linked server | Distributing data
\Implementing Views What is a view? | Advantages of views | Defining views | Modifying data through views
Implementing Stored Procedures Introduction to stored procedures | Creating, executing and modifying stored procedures | Using parameters in stored procedures | Executing extended stored procedures | Handling error messages
Implementing Triggers Introduction to triggers | Defining triggers | Examples of triggers
Advanced Text Queries Microsoft Search Service | Microsoft English Query