IIntroduction to Windows Forms
Create Windows Application projects and Windows forms in Visual Studio 2010 | Add controls and components to Windows forms.
| View the code that Visual Studio generates and understand what it does | Set properties and write event-handling code to control a form’s appearance and behavior | Take advantage of Visual Studio’s productivity features
Taking Advantage of the Form Event Model
Learn how Visual C# handles events | Investigate how to display normal and dialog forms | Create flexible event handlers
| Understand how events work in forms and controls | Discover how to validate user input
Common Windows Forms Controls
Learn how to use common Windows Forms controls | Explore important control properties, methods, and events | Learn how to adjust the appearance and behavior of controls | Understand how to respond to control events | Explore how to use controls and code to handle common scenarios in forms
Exception Handling
Learn to use try/catch blocks to handle runtime errors | Use Exception objects to determine which error has occurred | Throw exceptions back to procedure callers | Use the finally block to run code unconditionally | Create and handle user-defined exceptions
Working with Strings and Dates
Learn about working with strings and dates Investigate the String and StringBuilder classes | Manage dates using the DateTime structure |
Measure elapsed time using the TimeSpan structure | Work with the StopWatch class
Accessing Data
Learn about the differences between Microsoft ActiveX Data Object (ADO) and ADO.NET | Understand how the .NET base classes and namespaces work with ADO.NET | Create ADO.NET data objects | Work with the OleDbConnection and SqlConnection objects to connect to a data source, and use OleDbCommand and SqlCommand objects to retrieve data | Use DataSets with SqlDataAdapter and with OleDbDataAdapter
Introducing LINQ
Introduce LINQ | Examine LINQ syntax |Work with LINQ to objects Retrieve and modify SQL Server data using LINQ to SQL | Query XML content using LINQ to XML
Data Binding Techniques
Learn how data binding works in Visual Studio 2010 |Create simple data bound forms without writing code | See how to display information from main and related tables | Learn how to enforce referential integrity | See how to display information from lookup tables | Learn how to add search capabilities to a data entry form | Gain a high-level understanding of data controls and components | Explore how to validate data
Using the Data Controls
Explore the BindingNavigator control and see how to add the same functionality using Button controls | Learn how to work with the BindingSource component | See how to work with bound controls and the underlying data | Explore the DataGridView control and its capabilities | Understand how to control the formatting of the DataGridView control at both design time and runtime | Discover how to create reports and display them in the ReportViewer control
Handling Input/Output Tasks
Introduce the System.IO namespace Use the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog controls to select files | Parse paths and file names using the Static members of the Path class | Work with directories and files, using the Directory, DirectoryInfo, File, and FileInfo classes | Read and write text in a text file using the FileStream, StreamReader, and StreamWriter classes
Project Settings in Visual Studio 2010
Explore project properties |Learn how to control the appearance and behavior of an application | Learn to control how you build a project | Discover how to manage project references | Understand how to manage project resources and dynamic properties.
Debugging Your Applications
Explore the capabilities of the Visual Studio debugger |See how to set breakpoints in code and step through code | Explore how to debug code in referenced assemblies and code written in another language | Learn how to evaluate expressions during a pause in program execution | See how to make changes in code without restarting the application | See how to use tracing to record what is happening in an application.
Container Controls Learn about container controls |Investigate the Panel and Groupbox controls | Integrate two panels using the SplitContainer control | Display multiple panels with tabs using the TabControl control | Handle layout using the FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel controls
Menus and Toolbars
Learn about the ToolStrip control and all the controls that inherit from it | Create toolbars using the ToolStrip control | Add menus using the MenuStrip control | Provide context-sensitive menus using the ContextMenuStrip control | Display status information using the StatusStrip control | Handle ToolStrip docking using the ToolStripContainer control | Examine complete forms using these controls
Complex Windows Forms Controls
Hide forms on the status bar using the NotifyIcon control |Allow users to browse the Web within your forms using the WebBrowser control |Control user input using the MaskedTextBox control | Provide text editing capabilities using the RichTextBox control | Display data using the TreeView and ListView controls | Select dates using the MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker controls
Understand how COM interoperability works | Learn how to use COM DLLs and objects in .NET applications | Learn how to use .NET assemblies in COM applications | See how to wrap .NET Framework classes and use them in COM applications | See how to call the Windows API by using Platform invoke | Explore creating and consuming Web services
Working with Toolbox Components
Add a timer to a form using the Timer component | Add background thread support using the BackgroundWorker component | Monitor file system operations using the FileSystemWatcher component | Handle processes using the Process component | Work with Windows Services using the ServiceController component | Work with event logs using the EventLog component
Deploying Applications Using ClickOnce
Learn how ClickOnce deployment works | Use Visual Studio to publish an application | Learn how to deploy updates to applications | See how ClickOnce maintains multiple versions of applications
Introduce the concept of serialization | Investigate serialization of built-in objects | Introduce the BinaryFormatter and SoapFormatter classes | Serialize user-defined objects | Use custom serialization to control the behavior of the serialization formatters
Creating and Displaying Reports Learn how to create reports and display them by using the ReportViewer control | Explore how to add grouping, sorting, and filtering to reports | Discover how to display one-to-many relationships using subreports and drillthrough reports
Filling the .NET Gaps with WMI Learn how Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) can help you interact with devices and programs | Introduce many of the classes in the .NET Framework’s Management namespace | Iterate through available instances of WMI classes | Call WMI object methods and modify object property values | Introduce the Visual Studio WMI Server Explorer extensions
WMI Events and Asynchronous Handling
React to system events using WMI | Work with WMI objects asynchronously | Use the Visual Studio WMI Server Explorer extensions to help create handlers for WMI events
Printers and Printing Learn about the classes provided by the System.Drawing.Printing namespace | Use the PrintDocument, PrinterSettings, and PageSettings classes to print simple reports | Investigate the PrintPreviewControl, PageSetupDialog, PrintPreviewDialog, and PrintDialog controls | Investigate some sample reports
Examining the DataGridView
Explore the architecture of the DataGridView control | Learn how to control the appearance of data in grids | Learn how to work with data in grids
Creating Rich User Interfaces with GDI+ Introduce the System.Drawing namespace and some of its members | Create owner-drawn controls | Create non-rectangular forms | Use the TransparencyKey property of a form | Create custom DataGridView control columns
Extending Visual Studio 2010 Learn how to create item templates | See how to create project templates | Explore how to use and create code snippets | Discover how to create and use macros
Creating Windows Services Learn to create a simple Windows Service | Investigate the FileSystemWatcher class, and use it as part of a Windows Service | Learn to debug Windows Service applications
Reading and Writing XML Using the XML DOM Learn the basics of reading and writing XML, programmatically |Discover the important classes associated with XML documents in the System.Xml namespace | Create XML documents, and read and write XML nodes and attributes
Learn how to use the XmlReader class to read the contents of an XML document | Learn how to use the XmlWriter class to write an XML document | Learn how to query the contents of an XML document by using XPath expressions
Data Improvements
Learn how to enforce referential integrity in applications | See how to maintain a local copy of this data that changes infrequently | Learn how to separate DataSet code from TableAdapter code | Use LINQ to SQL in data applications
Creating Custom Controls Learn how to create new controls for Windows forms | Create a control by inheriting from an existing control and adding new functionality | Create a control by inheriting from the Control base class and drawing the control using GDI+ | Create a composite control by inheriting from the UserControl base class
Securing Windows Applications
Understand how the .NET Framework enforces security | Explore code access security and how to implement it in your Windows applications | Explore role-based security and how to implement it in your Windows applications
Building Setup Applications Learn how to create an installation package based on Windows Installer | Explore how to customize a Setup project | See how to control installation of an application | Learn how to specify conditions that determine whether and how to install an application | See how to create custom actions that run after an installation
Attributes and Reflection
Work with built-in attributes | Create and use custom attributes | Use reflection to take advantage of attributes | Learn about reflection’s capabilities
Client Application Services
Review management of membership and roles in ASP.NET | Learn how to use client application services to add remote login, roles, and profiles to a Windows application | Understand how to call the ASP.NET application services from a Windows application