Introduction to Windows Forms
Create Windows Application projects and Windows forms in Visual Studio 2010 | Add controls and components to Windows forms.
| View the code that Visual Studio generates and understand what it does | Set properties and write event-handling code to control a form’s appearance and behavior | Take advantage of Visual Studio’s productivity features
Taking Advantage of the Form Event Model
Learn how Visual C# handles events | Investigate how to display normal and dialog forms | Create flexible event handlers
| Understand how events work in forms and controls | Discover how to validate user input
Common Windows Forms Controls
Learn how to use common Windows Forms controls | Explore important control properties, methods, and events | Learn how to adjust the appearance and behavior of controls | Understand how to respond to control events | Explore how to use controls and code to handle common scenarios in forms
Exception Handling
Learn to use try/catch blocks to handle runtime errors | Use Exception objects to determine which error has occurred | Throw exceptions back to procedure callers | Use the finally block to run code unconditionally | Create and handle user-defined exceptions
Working with Strings and Dates
Learn about working with strings and dates Investigate the String and StringBuilder classes | Manage dates using the DateTime structure |
Measure elapsed time using the TimeSpan structure | Work with the StopWatch class
Accessing Data
Learn about the differences between Microsoft ActiveX Data Object (ADO) and ADO.NET | Understand how the .NET base classes and namespaces work with ADO.NET | Create ADO.NET data objects | Work with the OleDbConnection and SqlConnection objects to connect to a data source, and use OleDbCommand and SqlCommand objects to retrieve data | Use DataSets with SqlDataAdapter and with OleDbDataAdapter
Introducing LINQ
Introduce LINQ | Examine LINQ syntax |Work with LINQ to objects Retrieve and modify SQL Server data using LINQ to SQL | Query XML content using LINQ to XML
Data Binding Techniques
Learn how data binding works in Visual Studio 2010 |Create simple data bound forms without writing code | See how to display information from main and related tables | Learn how to enforce referential integrity | See how to display information from lookup tables | Learn how to add search capabilities to a data entry form | Gain a high-level understanding of data controls and components | Explore how to validate data
Using the Data Controls
Explore the BindingNavigator control and see how to add the same functionality using Button controls | Learn how to work with the BindingSource component | See how to work with bound controls and the underlying data | Explore the DataGridView control and its capabilities | Understand how to control the formatting of the DataGridView control at both design time and runtime | Discover how to create reports and display them in the ReportViewer control
Handling Input/Output Tasks
Introduce the System.IO namespace Use the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog controls to select files | Parse paths and file names using the Static members of the Path class | Work with directories and files, using the Directory, DirectoryInfo, File, and FileInfo classes | Read and write text in a text file using the FileStream, StreamReader, and StreamWriter classes
Project Settings in Visual Studio 2010
Explore project properties |Learn how to control the appearance and behavior of an application | Learn to control how you build a project | Discover how to manage project references | Understand how to manage project resources and dynamic properties.
Debugging Your Applications
Explore the capabilities of the Visual Studio debugger |See how to set breakpoints in code and step through code | Explore how to debug code in referenced assemblies and code written in another language | Learn how to evaluate expressions during a pause in program execution | See how to make changes in code without restarting the application | See how to use tracing to record what is happening in an application.
Container Controls Learn about container controls |Investigate the Panel and Groupbox controls | Integrate two panels using the SplitContainer control | Display multiple panels with tabs using the TabControl control | Handle layout using the FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel controls
Menus and Toolbars
Learn about the ToolStrip control and all the controls that inherit from it | Create toolbars using the ToolStrip control | Add menus using the MenuStrip control | Provide context-sensitive menus using the ContextMenuStrip control | Display status information using the StatusStrip control | Handle ToolStrip docking using the ToolStripContainer control | Examine complete forms using these controls
Complex Windows Forms Controls
Hide forms on the status bar using the NotifyIcon control |Allow users to browse the Web within your forms using the WebBrowser control |Control user input using the MaskedTextBox control | Provide text editing capabilities using the RichTextBox control | Display data using the TreeView and ListView controls | Select dates using the MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker controls
Understand how COM interoperability works | Learn how to use COM DLLs and objects in .NET applications | Learn how to use .NET assemblies in COM applications | See how to wrap .NET Framework classes and use them in COM applications | See how to call the Windows API by using Platform invoke | Explore creating and consuming Web services
Working with Toolbox Components
Add a timer to a form using the Timer component | Add background thread support using the BackgroundWorker component | Monitor file system operations using the FileSystemWatcher component | Handle processes using the Process component | Work with Windows Services using the ServiceController component | Work with event logs using the EventLog component
Deploying Applications Using ClickOnce
Learn how ClickOnce deployment works | Use Visual Studio to publish an application | Learn how to deploy updates to applications | See how ClickOnce maintains multiple versions of applications
Introduce the concept of serialization | Investigate serialization of built-in objects | Introduce the BinaryFormatter and SoapFormatter classes | Serialize user-defined objects | Use custom serialization to control the behavior of the serialization formatters
Creating and Displaying Reports Learn how to create reports and display them by using the ReportViewer control | Explore how to add grouping, sorting, and filtering to reports | Discover how to display one-to-many relationships using subreports and drillthrough reports
Filling the .NET Gaps with WMI Learn how Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) can help you interact with devices and programs | Introduce many of the classes in the .NET Framework’s Management namespace | Iterate through available instances of WMI classes | Call WMI object methods and modify object property values | Introduce the Visual Studio WMI Server Explorer extensions
WMI Events and Asynchronous Handling
React to system events using WMI | Work with WMI objects asynchronously | Use the Visual Studio WMI Server Explorer extensions to help create handlers for WMI events
Printers and Printing Learn about the classes provided by the System.Drawing.Printing namespace | Use the PrintDocument, PrinterSettings, and PageSettings classes to print simple reports | Investigate the PrintPreviewControl, PageSetupDialog, PrintPreviewDialog, and PrintDialog controls | Investigate some sample reports
Examining the DataGridView
Explore the architecture of the DataGridView control | Learn how to control the appearance of data in grids | Learn how to work with data in grids
Creating Rich User Interfaces with GDI+ Introduce the System.Drawing namespace and some of its members | Create owner-drawn controls | Create non-rectangular forms | Use the TransparencyKey property of a form | Create custom DataGridView control columns
Extending Visual Studio 2010 Learn how to create item templates | See how to create project templates | Explore how to use and create code snippets | Discover how to create and use macros
Creating Windows Services Learn to create a simple Windows Service | Investigate the FileSystemWatcher class, and use it as part of a Windows Service | Learn to debug Windows Service applications
Reading and Writing XML Using the XML DOM Learn the basics of reading and writing XML, programmatically |Discover the important classes associated with XML documents in the System.Xml namespace | Create XML documents, and read and write XML nodes and attributes
Using the XMLReader, XMLWriter, and XPath to Work with XML Learn how to use the XmlReader class to read the contents of an XML document | Learn how to use the XmlWriter class to write an XML document | Learn how to query the contents of an XML document by using XPath expressions
Data Improvements Learn how to enforce referential integrity in applications | See how to maintain a local copy of this data that changes infrequently | Learn how to separate DataSet code from TableAdapter code | Use LINQ to SQL in data applications
Creating Custom Controls Learn how to create new controls for Windows forms | Create a control by inheriting from an existing control and adding new functionality | Create a control by inheriting from the Control base class and drawing the control using GDI+ | Create a composite control by inheriting from the UserControl base class
Securing Windows Applications
Understand how the .NET Framework enforces security | Explore code access security and how to implement it in your Windows applications | Explore role-based security and how to implement it in your Windows applications
Building Setup Applications Learn how to create an installation package based on Windows Installer | Explore how to customize a Setup project | See how to control installation of an application | Learn how to specify conditions that determine whether and how to install an application | See how to create custom actions that run after an installation
Attributes and Reflection
Work with built-in attributes | Create and use custom attributes | Use reflection to take advantage of attributes | Learn about reflection’s capabilities
Client Application Services
Review management of membership and roles in ASP.NET | Learn how to use client application services to add remote login, roles, and profiles to a Windows application | Understand how to call the ASP.NET application services from a Windows application