Introduction to ASP.NET A Review of Classic ASP | ASP.NET Web Applications | Rendering HTML with Server Controls | Data Binding in ASP.NET | Web Development using Visual Studio 2010
Working with Controls
Introduction to Web Controls | Simple Input Controls | HyperLink and Button Controls | List Controls | Controlling Focus
Using Rich Server Controls
Introduction to Rich Controls | The Calendar Control | The AdRotator Control | The XML Control
Accessing Data
Overview of ADO.NET | Connecting to Data | Executing Commands | Working with Data | Choosing an ADO.NET Provider
LINQ Language Integrated Query | LINQ Syntax | LINQ to SQL | LINQ to Datasets | LINQ to XML
Configuration Overview | Using the Web Site Administration Tool | Programming Configuration Files | Encrypting Configuration Sections
Data Binding
Introducing Data Source Controls | Reading and Write Data Using the SqlDataSource Control | Displaying and Editing Middle-Tier Data using the ObjectDataSource Control | Displaying XML Data Using the XmlDataSource Control
Validating User Input
Overview of ASP.NET Validation Controls | Using the Simple Validators | Using the Complex Validators | Summarizing Results with the ValidationSummary Control | Separating Validation into Validation Groups
Introducing Cascading Style Sheets |Investigating Styles | Using Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Working with Styles
Themes and Master Pages
Creating a Consistent Web Site | ASP.NET 2.0 Themes | Master Pages
Site Navigation
ASP.NET Web Site Navigation | Creating an XML Site Map File | Site Navigation Controls | Using the Site Navigation API | URL Mapping | Security Trimming
Displaying Data with the GridView Control
Introducing the GridView Control | Filter Data in the GridView Control | Allow Users to Select from a DropDownList in the Grid | Add a Hyperlink to the Grid | Deleting a Row and Handling Errors
Managing State
Preserving State in Web Applications | Page-Level State | Using Cookies to Preserve State | ASP.NET Session State | Storing Objects in Session State | Configuring Session State | Setting Up an Out-of-Process State Server | Storing Session State in SQL Server | Using Cookieless Session IDs | Application State
Managing Users with ASP.NET's Membership Features
Introduction to Membership and Roles | Using Membership Controls | Writing Code to Interact with Membership and Roles
Server Debugging
Server-Side Code Debugging in ASP.NET | Using the Visual Debugger | Debugging Exceptions and Handling Errors | Debugging Stored Procedures
Client Side and Advanced Debugging
Client-side Code Debugging in ASP.NET | Debugging Client-Side JavaScript | Custom Data Visualizers | Debugging .NET Framework Source Code
ASP.NET Tracing
Page-level Tracing | Programmatic Tracing | Web.config | System.Diagnostics.Trace | Trace Viewer |
TraceListeners and TraceSwitches | WebPageTraceListener | Monitor Application Health
Creating New Controls
User-defined Controls | User Controls | Custom Controls
Improving Performance with Output Caching
The Importance of Caching | Declarative Page Output Caching | Caching Page Fragments | Post-Cache Substitution | Caching Configuration
Advanced Caching techniques
Caching Features in ASP.NET | Configure Output Caching | Expiration Policies |
Database Changes | SQL Notifications for Cache Expiration
Using the DataList and Repeater Controls
Repeater and DataList Controls | Templates and Styles | Bind Data to the Repeater and DataList Controls
Using the List View and Database Controls
ListView Features | ListView Design Support in Visual Studio | Convert Static Pages to Dynamic Pages | Implementing Paging in the ListView Control
ListView Features
ListView Design Support in Visual Studio | Convert Static Pages to Dynamic Pages | Implementing Paging in the ListView Control
ASP.NET Profile Features
Introduction to ASP.NET's Profile Features | Create Profile Schema in Web.config | Work With ASP.NET's Profile Object Programmatically | Manage Anonymous Users and Their Profiles | Build and Use a Custom Profile Provider
ASP.NET Extensions
Features of ASP.NET Extensions | Deploy Web Applications | Enable the Browser's Back Button With AJAX Pages | ASP.NET Dynamic Data