Review of the Spring Framework
The Spring Framework and IoC | Understand the value of Spring | Explore IoC/DI |
Configuring collaborators | Understand built-in property editors | Advanced Spring Container Features | Provide an overview of Spring's factory beans | Re-use bean definitions in the configuration file | Use placeholders in the configuration file | Create custom property editors | Become familiar with container post-processors
Spring Data Access Support
Overview | Understand the Spring DAO | Understand Transaction Demarcation within Spring | Spring JDBC | Overview of Spring JDBC support | Defining DataSources | JDBC Exceptions and the SQLExceptionTranslater within Spring | Creating JDBC DAOs | Using the JdbcTemplate class | Mapping rows to Objects using the JdbcTemplate | Mapping data to Objects using SQL Helper Objects (Operation Classes) | Introduction to Hibernate | Define Object to Relational (O/R) Mapping (ORM) | Define the Hibernate Architecture | Illustrate the benefits of using Hibernate | Understand the goals of Hibernate | Understand key functionalities of Hibernate | Define the different Hibernate types (Entities and values) | Understand different Persistent representations (POJOs, Maps and XML) | Spring Hibernate | Overview of Spring Hibernate support | Session and connection management | Creating Hibernate DAOs | Using the hibernateTemplate class
Spring AOP Framework
Spring AOP | AOP basics | AOP support within Spring | Understanding proxy factories
Web Frameworks
Spring and Struts (Optional) | Brief overview of Struts | Understand the integration between Struts and Spring | Understand bean resolution | Spring and JSF (Optional) | Brief overview of JSF | Understand the integration between JSF and Spring | Understand bean resolution | Overview of SpringMVC (Optional) | Understand the architecture of Spring MVC | Understand how to configure a Spring MVC web application | Understand URL mapping in Spring MVC | Understand Interceptor classes | Understand View and ViewResolver classes | Understand Controller classes | Understand how to process a form request | Understand how to add validation support to form processing | Introduce Themes, exception handling, I18N support, web application testing and wizards
Spring and EJB
Overview of EJB (Without Spring) | Cover the standard way to use EJBs in a non-Spring environment | Utilizing Stateless (SLSB) and Stateful (SFSB) Session Beans in Spring | Stateless Session Bean lookup using JNDI | How to access local and remote EJBs | Overview of Spring and EJB | The Spring approach to implementing EJBs | Singleton vs. multiple instances of the Spring context | EJBs and shared contexts | Spring and Stateless Session Beans | Spring and Message Driven Beans
Distributed Systems, JMS
Overview of JMS (without Spring) | Goals of a distributed system | Decoupling using messaging | J2EE support for messaging (JMS) | Distributed Systems, JMS and Spring | Spring support for messaging | Introduce Spring's JmsTemplate class