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Java Hibernate Training Class - Java HibernateTraining Course

JAHib101 -Java Hibernate
Next Course Dates Call for schedule
Duration 4 days


Attending students should be able to use the syntax of the Java language without difficulty.
Who Should Attend? This is an intermediate-level Java programming course, designed for developers who wish to understand Hibernate.
Course Benefits

This comprehensive Hibernate class provides complete coverage of the world of Hibernate. With a strong hands-on character and many (many!) ready to use demos, this course makes you competent to start correctly using Hibernate the minute you leave the class room.

You Will Learn How To


Course Content

Introduction to Hibernate
Introduction to Hibernate | Define Object to Relational (O/R) Mapping (ORM) | Define the Hibernate Architecture | Illustrate the benefits of using Hibernate | Understand the goals of Hibernate | Understand key functionalities of Hibernate | Define the different Hibernate types (Entities and values) | Understand different Persistent representations (POJOs, Maps and XML) | Getting started with Hibernate | Understand the nuts and bolts of Hibernate | Understand how to map a class to the database | Understand the configurations involved and their relationships | List different ways of configuring Hibernate | Understand the overall syntax of the Hibernate Configuration file | Understand the overall syntax of a mapping file | Introduce the org.hibernate.SessionFactory | Introduce the org.hibernate.Session | Understand one way of obtain a session using Hibernate contextual sessions | Supply a basic example of using Hibernate

ORM with Hibernate
Basic ORM | Configure persistent classes | Configure persistent state of a class | Understand the requirements for a persistent entity class | Understand object identity in Hibernate | Understand how to correctly implement equals and hashCode in Hibernate | Discuss object identity and a caveat in hashCode and equals implementations | Discuss different ways of generating unique numbers for keys | Understand how to influence mapping to columns | Understand how to map properties of a class to multiple tables | Value Type Collections and Components | Understand how to map composition using Hibernate's components | Understand how to use components as composite identifiers | Understand the different collection types supported | List different element types: simple types, composite types and entities | Understand programming restrictions when using collections | Understand how to map java.util.Set and java.util.List | Understand how to position elements explicitly in the List | Understand how to map java.util.SortedSet | Understand how to correctly use a Comparator | Understand how to map a java.util.Map | Understand how to map the key of the map | Understand Hibernate's bags | Introduce Dynamic components | Lesson: Entity Associations (Relations) | List the different types of associations | Understand the difference between uni and bidirectional associations | Understand how to map unidirectional one to one, many to one and one to many associations | Understand how and when to use join tables | Understand how to map many-to-many associations | Understand how to configure bidirectional associations | Understand how to cascade over associations | Mapping Inheritance | Discuss the three Inheritance ORM strategies | Discuss the Single Table Inheritance Pattern (i.e. table per class hierarchy) | Discuss the Class Table Inheritance Pattern (i.e. table per subclass) | Discuss the Concrete Table Inheritance Pattern (i.e. table per concrete class) | Discuss Hibernate's implicit polymorphism strategy | Understand how to configure these mappings | Understand the concept of a discriminator

Using Persistent Objects
Reading, Updating and Deleting Objects | Understand the three object states: Transient, Persistent and Detached | Understand how to transition from the transient to persistent state (i.e. how to make objects persistent) | Understand how to retrieve hibernated objects using the primary key | Understand how to retrieve hibernated objects using basic HQL | Understand how to update entities which are in the persistent state (attached updates) | Understand how to transition entities from persistent to detached state | Understand the detached state of an entity | Discuss the briefcase model | Understand how to transition from detached (back) to persistent (i.e. how to re-attach detached objects) | Understand the difference between update and merge | Removing entities | Discuss the different cascade options and their impact on entity associations | Transactions | Describe the need for transaction control | Explain isolation levels | Discuss the three different ways of demarcating transactions | Understand the different ways of demarcating transactions in a managed Java EE environment | Understand how to correctly use the contextual session | Use the Hibernate Transaction API to hide transaction implementation | Correctly handle exceptions | Understand Optimistic -vs- Pessimistic locking schemes | Implement Optimistic concurrency using Hibernate's automatic versioning | Implement Pessimistic concurrency using Lock modes | List different optimistic lock modes supported in Hibernate | Understand locking using read for update | Understand the read for update scope on association (and how to cascade the lock)

Querying in Hibernate
Querying for Objects | Introduce two ways of querying (Criteria and HQL) | Understand the basic HQL syntax | Introduce the org.hibernate.Query class | Work with the results of a query | Handle different result set element types (unique, array of entity, scalar) | Use the relationships between entities in your HQL | Use HQL expressions | Use aggregate functions | Use the group by clause | Understand how to enable Pagination | Use parametrized HQL | Understand the concept of Named Queries | Use the org.hibernate.Criteria to query | Understand how to use Query By Example (QBE)

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