Overview of Techniques for Building N-Tier Applications in Delphi
N-Tier design & thin clients | Web server applications & thin client applications
COM/DCOM Overview
Interfaces | GUIDS | CoClass | COM and the registry
Overview | IDL | Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes | Interfaces vs. Multiple Inheritance | Reference Counting | Using Delphi's Type Library Editor to create and manage Interfaces
In Process Servers vs. Out of Process Servers Writing a COM Server | Writing a COM Client | Type Libraries | Using Enums and Consts | Enhancing the COM Server/Client
CORBA Overview
Basic Object Adapter | Skeletons and Stubs | CORBA Interfaces | Stubs and Skeletons | Setting up CORBA on a Server/Network | Writing a CORBA Server | Writing a CORBA Client | Using CORBA Data Modules | Static vs Dynamic binding
N-Tier design & thin client | ORB's | Object Activation Daemon | Smart Agent | IIOP | Load Balancing
Handling Errors in COM/CORBA | Remote Debugging with COM/CORBA | N-Tier with ADO | ADO Components | Writing ADO Servers | Writing ADO Clients
MIDAS Overview | MIDAS Server Applications | Remote Data Module | Data Set Provider | MIDAS Client Applications | Connecting to the Server | TclientDataSet | Handling Exceptions | Updating Conflicts | Briefcase with MIDAS
Web Development
Web Server Application Overview | Writing a Simple Web Server Application | Web Server Content Producers | Maintaining state information
Internet Express
Converting a MIDAS server to a web server application