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Delphi Component Writing Training Course in UK - Delphi Training Class Outline

Component Writing in Delphi
This course is scheduled or demand, or can be scheduled as a one on one. Click to send an email RE this course.
3 days


A solid understanding of the Delphi language and Object Oriented Programming.

Who Should Attend?
Programmers who develop Delphi applications, using any Version of Delphi, and need to customize components.

Course Benefits

This Delphi component writing course teaches developers how to create native Delphi components which they can use in multiple projects. Creating components reduces development time, increases programmer productivity, and increases program reliability. This course teaches developers how to create components from scratch, how ot modify existing components, and how to create data aware components. It also teaches how to write component editors, property editors.

You Will Learn How To

  • Create new components that work in Delphi and C++ Builder
  • Understand Properties, Methods and Events
  • Modify existing components
  • Create composite components
  • Build custom data aware controls
  • Develop applications more consistently and quicker by using custom components
  • Create custom property editors and component editors
  • Manage packages
  • Distribute and install custom components
  • Build and Install a help file for components

Course Content

Review of Object Oriented Programming
Classes, methods, and fields | Properties | Inheritance | Scope | Virtual and Abstract methods

Creating and managing packages | Run time packages | Design time packages

Delphi VCL Source
Exploring the VCL Source | Understanding the class structure for component building | TCustom components | Intercepting window messages

Component Basics
OOP Concepts | Using the Component Wizard | Modifying existing components | Adding properties | Adding Methods | Adding Events | Understanding the Owner and Parent properties | Component Constructors, Destructors, and the Loaded method | Registering Components | Assigning icons to components | Component Streaming | Exceptions and Components

Non-Visual Components
Uses for non-visual components | Creating Dialog components | Creating TDataSet components | Converting an existing class to a component

Data Aware Components
Understanding Data Aware components | Using the TFieldDataLink | Adding data aware capabilities to existing components

Graphical Components
Understanding and using graphical components | TPen & TBrush | Drawing on the screen

Building Help Files
Creating the help file | Structure of the help file for components | Registering the help file with delphi

Distributing and Installing Components
What files need to be distributed | Writing an install program for the component library

Object Inspector
Understanding the Object Inspector | Adding properties | Adding events | Using property categories | Writing component editors | Custom property editors | Custom component editors

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