Review of Object Oriented Programming
Classes, methods, and fields | Properties | Inheritance | Scope | Virtual and Abstract methods
Creating and managing packages | Run time packages | Design time packages
Delphi VCL Source
Exploring the VCL Source | Understanding the class structure for component building | TCustom components | Intercepting window messages
Component Basics
OOP Concepts | Using the Component Wizard | Modifying existing components | Adding properties | Adding Methods | Adding Events | Understanding the Owner and Parent properties | Component Constructors, Destructors, and the Loaded method | Registering Components | Assigning icons to components | Component Streaming | Exceptions and Components
Non-Visual Components
Uses for non-visual components | Creating Dialog components | Creating TDataSet components | Converting an existing class to a component
Data Aware Components
Understanding Data Aware components | Using the TFieldDataLink | Adding data aware capabilities to existing components
Graphical Components
Understanding and using graphical components | TPen & TBrush | Drawing on the screen
Building Help Files
Creating the help file | Structure of the help file for components | Registering the help file with delphi
Distributing and Installing Components
What files need to be distributed | Writing an install program for the component library
Object Inspector
Understanding the Object Inspector | Adding properties | Adding events | Using property categories | Writing component editors | Custom property editors | Custom component editors