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Web Services for the Enterprise using VB.NET
Price: US $995 /UK £695 +VAT | Duration: 2 days
Who Should Attend?

Experienced VB programmers with a good understanding of .NET concepts.


  • Basic awareness of .NET and VB.NET (preferably gained via our course 'Introducing VB.NET')
  • Understanding of Web concepts (eg HTTP and XML)
  • Familiarity with ADO and SQL
  • Experience with designing and building components (eg ActiveX DLLs)

Course Benefits

VB.NET represents a radical redesign of the hugely successful Visual Basic concept. Visual Basic has been rewritten from the ground up to take full advantage of the .NET platform, which will form the basis of Microsoft's product strategy for the foreseeable future. This is truly revolution, not evolution!

This course offers experienced VB users a three-day immersion in the product, which introduces the key concepts and answers the questions about the capabilities of the new platform, implications for existing applications, deployment, and many other issues.

You Will Learn How To:
  • Understand the purpose of ADO.NET
  • Learn the reasons for building and using Web Services
  • Explore the Web Service features provided by ASP.NET
  • Understand SOAP
  • Design and Build Secure, Scaleable Web Services
  • Create Web Service clients using VB.NET and VB6
  • Build advanced Web Services using .NET Remoting
  • Use Enterprise Services (MTS and COM+ features) with Web Services

Course Overview

After an overview of Web Services and SOAP, we build Web Services using .NET. Important concepts like security and deployment are examined. We build clients that can "consume" Web Services, including VB6. We also examine the .NET Remoting infrastructure and compare it to DCOM
Finally, we show how Web Services are used with existing MTS and COM+ technologies.

Course Content

Introducing Web Services
What Web Services Do | Web Service Infrastructure and Protocols | ASP.NET and Web Services | Building and Consuming Simple Web Services | Industry Standard Web Services | Web Services and ADO.NET

Background to SOAP | The SOAP Specification | Understanding SOAP Payloads | DataTypes and SOAP | Background to WSDL | Reading WSDL contracts | Building WSDL contracts | UDDI.

Designing and Building Web Services
Web Service Performance and Characteristics | Web Services and State Management | Securing Web Services | Deployment and Configuration | Discovery | Customising the WSDL contract.

Web Service Clients
Types of Web Service Client | Generating Web Service Proxies | Processing SOAP Headers | Calling Web Services Asynchronously | Writing a Visual Basic 6 Web Service Client

The .NET Remoting Infrastructure
.NET Remoting Compared to DCOM | Remoting using SOAP | Channels and Formatters | Comparing ASP.NET and .NET Remoting for building Web Services | Configuring .NET Remoting | Creating Advanced Web Services functionality.

Using Enterprise Services
NET Enterprise Services compared to MTS and COM+ | Scalability | Distributed Transactions using ASP.NET Web Services | Distributed Transactions using .NET Remoting Web Services | Using other Enterprise Services

Practical Sessions
  • Create a Web Service project using VB.NET
  • Implement a Web Service
  • Using Web browsers to test Web Services
  • Use SDL to examine Web Service contracts
  • Explore SOAP and how it is used within VB.NET
  • Use Visual Studio .NET to discover Web Services
  • Generate Web Service proxies and call them from client programs
  • Use .NET command line utilities to work with Web Services
  • Use the .NET Remoting technology to build advanced Web Services
  • Build transacted Web Services that interact with MTS and COM+