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VB.Net OOP Training Course in UK - Visual Basic .Net OOP Training Class Outline UK

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5 days for less experienced developers, 3 days for more expereienced developers


This VB.NET OOP training course assumes that students have some programming background. There are two versions of this course – a 3 day version for more experienced programmers and a 5 day version for those with little experience of object oriented programming. For the 3 day version programmers should be familiar with C++, Java, or some other object oriented language. The 5 day version assumes no prior experience with an object oriented language and would be suitable for developers with a background in Visual Basic or COBOL, for example.

Who Should Attend?
3 day version: Experienced developers needing to learn the object oriented features of Visual Basic.NET
5 day version: Less experienced developers for whom V
isual Basic.net is their first object oriented language

Course Benefits

In this hands-on instructor-led VB.NET OOP course, developers learn the fundamental skills that are required to design and develop object-oriented applications (OOP) for the Web and Microsoft Windows using Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment.

This object oriented Visual Basic .NET training course is offered in two flavors – a 3 day version for programmers experienced in another object oriented language such as C++, Java, or Delphi, and a 5 day version for less experienced programmers who are not familiar with object-oriented design and programming, and for Developers moving to Visual Basic .NET as their first fully object-oriented language. Programmers with a background in Visual Basic 6 and COBOL, for example, will want to take the slower paced more introductory 5 day course where the fundamental topics of classes, objects, and inheritance are covered in detail. The 5 day version is intended to be fully accessible to programmers who do not already have a strong background in object-oriented programming. The 3 day version covers the same topics but at a much faster pace where the more introductory topics are just reviewed and the syntax covered, and differences between Visual Basic .NET and other OOP languages are discussed.

This is a fully hands-on Visual Basic .NET training course. After each major topic is introduced students undertake short exercises to ensure they understand the important principles. This VB.NET training course cover all the object oriented topics you need to understand to develop using Visual Basic with the .NET framework – using existing classes, writing your own classes, using inheritance, utilizing and implementing interfaces, polymorphism, the standard .NET interfaces, how to work with generics, and an introduction to design patterns.

Visual Basic .NET as a language is elegant and powerful. But to utilize its capabilities fully, you need to have a good understanding of how it works with the .NET Framework. The course explores several important interactions between Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework; how to implement standard interfaces, how to use the built-in classes for collections, and delegates and events. It includes a succinct introduction to creating GUI programs using Windows Forms. It discusses memory management and the garbage collector, the consequences on destructors, and how to work with iDisposable.

You Will Learn How To

  • Use existing classes from the .NET class library
  • Write your own classes using properties and methods
  • Build on existing classes using inheritance
  • Utilize scope to implement encapsulation
  • Use and implement interfaces
  • Ensure sensitive resources are released in a timely manner
  • Use generics to avoid typecasting and boxing
  • Work with the built in collection classes
  • Work with XML
  • Work with events, delegates, and multi-cast delegates

Course Content











An overview of Object Oriented programming
Terminology, the OOP approach, data abstraction, classes, objects, methods, Inheritance, Components, Interfaces, polymorphism

Grouping of classes using Namespaces, Assemblies, getting help on classes, everything is a class, system.object, value versus reference types, boxing, standard interfaces, memory management and garbage collection, static and instance classes

Using Existing Classes
XML classes, File I/O, file management, static classes, static versus instance classes, constructors, properties, events, GUI forms as classes, ASP Forms as classes, working with static and instance classes, using static classes to group related methods

Working with Collections
Lists, dictionaries

Working with generics
Syntax, Generic lists, generic dictionaries, generic interfaces, arrays and generics

Writing Simple Classes
Instance variables, properties, methods, me, scope

Constructors / Destructors
Finalization, consequences of garbage collection, constructors and composite classes, constructors versus static methods returning instances of classes

Understanding the need for inheritance, base classes, inherited constructors, inheritance and destructors, abstract methods, inheritance versus composition, drawing inheritance structures, form inheritance, inheritance versus composition, typecasting

What are interfaces, using interfaces to implement polymorphism, standard .NET interfaces, using clause, foreach clause, implementing interfaces, name resolution with multiple interfaces, implementing iCloneable, iSearchable, iDisposable

With Inheritance, abstract methods, virtual methods, with Interfaces

Events and Delegates
Syntax, Delegates as function pointers, examples from GUI components, multi Cast delegates, anonymous methods

Visual Basic .NET Within the .NET Framework
Windows Forms as Classes, event handlers as delegates, ASP Forms, Exception Handling, user defined Exceptions

Introduction to Design Patterns
Definition of design patterns, the need for design patterns, sample design patterns within .Net, example of design patterns, implementing design patterns, Singleton, Observer, Factory and Adapater patterns

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