Visual Studio IDE (optional) Overview of the Visual Studio .NET IDE | The Visual Studio environment | Basic IDE skills | Using the editor Solutions and Assemblies | Creating, saving, compiling and running Windows applications | The Visual Studio debugger.
The C# Language Overview of C# | Basic syntax and lexical information | Loops | Conditional statements | Wiring functions | Data types and the CLS | Reference vs. Value types | Constants and variables | Arrays, indexers and collections | Custom attributes | Exception handling | Preprocessor directives | Modules and namespaces
Object Oriented Programming Everything is a class | Boxing and un-boxing | Defining classes and creating objects | Properties | Methods | Interfaces | Delegates | Events | Static members | Encapsulation | Scoping withing a class | Inheritance and Polymorphism | Nested classes | Structs | Implementing interfaces | Defining Interfaces | Partial Classes | Working with Generics | Collections | Typecasting | Implicit and explicit type conversions | Operator overloading