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Java Spring J2EE Training Class - Java Spring J2EE Training Course

JASpring101 - Spring for J2EE Developers
Next Course Dates Call for schedule
Duration 4 days


The student should be an experienced J2EE / Java programmer, with practical development experience using Servlets/JSP/EJB and knowledge of Struts/JSP and JMS.
Who Should Attend? This is an intermediate level Java programming course, designed for developers who wish understand Spring.
Course Benefits

This in-depth, Advanced workshop Using Spring will present developers with best practices for software development, as well as tips and techniques for working with the tools and technologies within their specific environment

You Will Learn How To


Course Content

Review of the Spring Framework
The Spring Framework and IoC | Understand the value of Spring | Explore IoC/DI |
Configuring collaborators | Understand built-in property editors | Advanced Spring Container Features | Provide an overview of Spring's factory beans | Re-use bean definitions in the configuration file | Use placeholders in the configuration file | Create custom property editors | Become familiar with container post-processors

Spring Data Access Support
Overview | Understand the Spring DAO | Understand Transaction Demarcation within Spring | Spring JDBC | Overview of Spring JDBC support | Defining DataSources | JDBC Exceptions and the SQLExceptionTranslater within Spring | Creating JDBC DAOs | Using the JdbcTemplate class | Mapping rows to Objects using the JdbcTemplate | Mapping data to Objects using SQL Helper Objects (Operation Classes) | Introduction to Hibernate | Define Object to Relational (O/R) Mapping (ORM) | Define the Hibernate Architecture | Illustrate the benefits of using Hibernate | Understand the goals of Hibernate | Understand key functionalities of Hibernate | Define the different Hibernate types (Entities and values) | Understand different Persistent representations (POJOs, Maps and XML) | Spring Hibernate | Overview of Spring Hibernate support | Session and connection management | Creating Hibernate DAOs | Using the hibernateTemplate class

Spring AOP Framework
Spring AOP | AOP basics | AOP support within Spring | Understanding proxy factories

Web Frameworks
Spring and Struts (Optional) | Brief overview of Struts | Understand the integration between Struts and Spring | Understand bean resolution | Spring and JSF (Optional) | Brief overview of JSF | Understand the integration between JSF and Spring | Understand bean resolution | Overview of SpringMVC (Optional) | Understand the architecture of Spring MVC | Understand how to configure a Spring MVC web application | Understand URL mapping in Spring MVC | Understand Interceptor classes | Understand View and ViewResolver classes | Understand Controller classes | Understand how to process a form request | Understand how to add validation support to form processing | Introduce Themes, exception handling, I18N support, web application testing and wizards

Spring and EJB
Overview of EJB (Without Spring) | Cover the standard way to use EJBs in a non-Spring environment | Utilizing Stateless (SLSB) and Stateful (SFSB) Session Beans in Spring | Stateless Session Bean lookup using JNDI | How to access local and remote EJBs | Overview of Spring and EJB | The Spring approach to implementing EJBs | Singleton vs. multiple instances of the Spring context | EJBs and shared contexts | Spring and Stateless Session Beans | Spring and Message Driven Beans

Distributed Systems, JMS
Overview of JMS (without Spring) | Goals of a distributed system | Decoupling using messaging | J2EE support for messaging (JMS) | Distributed Systems, JMS and Spring | Spring support for messaging | Introduce Spring's JmsTemplate class

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