ColdFusion for Web Applications

Price: US $1,995, UK £1,395 + VAT | Duration: 5 days
Who Should Attend?

Webmasters, programmers and Application developers wishing to use ColdFusion to create Web database applications.



Familiarity with at least one high level programming language, comfortable with using MS-Windows. Some familiarity with basic database concepts.


Course Overview

Students will learn the benefits of using Cold Fusion to create dynamic, data driven web sites. In addition they will learn how to use SQL to create complex queries, and JavaScript to perform client side scripting.

Like all DPR classes, this course divides it's time equally between instructor led tuition and practical exercises, and each student has their own high spec P.C.

You Will Learn How To:

Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning.

The course is 50% lecture, 50% practical. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Use HomeSite to create and edit ColdFusion applications
  • Design and create a relational database
  • Link a database to the ColdFusion Server using the ColdFusion Administrator
  • Create simple ColdFusion application using CFML
  • Create and include ColdFusion templates
  • Create CFQUERY blocks and SQL statements that query a database
  • Debug ColdFusion applications
  • Create a ColdFusion application that queries a database based on user input
  • Dynamically populate form fields
  • Use conditional logic to manipulate application flow
  • Utilize JavaScript for client side scripting
  • Use SQL to perform complex database queries
Course Content

Introduction to HTML
What is HTML? | HTML Toolkits | HTML TAGS | Document Layout | Content Formatting | Hyperlinks | Images & Image Maps | Tables | Frames | Cascading Style Sheets | Forms

Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript? | Variables | Input & Output | Conditionals | Events | Browser Manipulation | The Document Object Model | Flow Control | Functions | Parameters & arguments | Form Validation

Standard SQL in Depth
Thorough introduction to SQL | Inserting, updating, & deleting | Grouping & Having clauses | Aggregate functions | Nested queries | Left, Right and Full outer joins | SQL Data Definition Language | Parameterized & linked queries | SQL Extensions for Oracle, SQL Server and Interbase

Introduction to Cold Fusion
Overview of ColdFusion | Exploring HomeSite 4.0 | Observing ColdFusion in Action

Creating a database for use with ColdFusion
Planning Your Database | Creating Tables | Relationships Between Fields

Connecting a database to the ColdFusion server
ColdFusion Database Administration

Getting Started with CFML
CFML and HTML | Creating and Reusing Templates

Querying a Database and Displaying the Results
Creating Simple Queries | ColdFusion Debugging Tools

Creating User-Defined Queries with Forms
ColdFusion and Forms | Creating a Form Action Page | Dynamically Populating Form Fields

Conditional Expressions
Conditional Logic

Additional information: White Papers:
ColdFusion Configuration Whitepaper | Installation Whitepaper

Web Tech, USA - 131 Oviedo Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084 Tel: 1-800-279-9717, Fax: 1-904-824-4622
Web Teq, UK - The Old Fleece, Bisley Street, Painswick, GLOS, UK GL6 6QQ Tel/Fax (0) 1452 813 918