Ch 1. Overview
C#: Hello World |Common Intermediate Language |The .NET Virtual Execution System |Preprocessing |C# tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, Declarations, Expressions
Ch 2. Numeric Types
Integer types | Integer overflow |Floating point types |Decimal, char |Conversions | The typename keyword aliases |Operators | Precedence | Associativity | Evaluation Order
Ch 3. Methods
Arguments & Parameters | Copy Parameters | Ref Parameters | Out Parameters | Overloading Methods, Method Restrictions
Ch 4. Exceptions
Why exceptions? | The throw statement | The try statement | Catch blocks |Finally Blocks | Lock statements
Ch 5. Statements
Declarations & expressions | Blocks | Name scope | The return statement | The bool type | The if statement The switch statement | Case | The while statement | The do statement | The for statement | The foreach statement | The continue statement | The break statement
Ch 6. Namespaces
Why namespaces? | Using directives | Using aliases | Value Types
Ch 7. Enums and Structs
Values vs. references | Declaring enums | The System.Enum class |Using enums | Enum conversions | Declaring structs | Creating values | Struct constructors | Chaining constructors | Instance fields, static fields | Readonly fields | Cconst fields | Local variables | Static constructor | Copying
Ch 8. Operators
Syntax and restrictions | Assignment | Compound assignment | Increment & decrement | Operators families | Implicit conversions | Explicit conversions | Examples
Ch 9. Properties
Why Properties? | Get accessors | Set accessors | Static properties | Property restrictions | Comparing properties to methods | Comparing properties to fields
Ch 10. Indexers
Syntax | Get accessors | Set accessors | Indexer restrictions | Comparing indexers to arrays | Examples | Reference Types
Ch 11. Chars & Strings
The char type | The string type | String is immutable | The System.String class | The System.StringBuilder class | String literals | Verbatim string literals | String operators | String conversions
Ch 12. Arrays
Declaring array variables | Creating array instances | Initializing arrays | The System.Array class | The foreach statement | Variadic methods | The params keyword | Params + object | Ragged arrays
Ch 13. Classes
Declaring classes | Creating objects | Constructors | Chaining constructors | Instance fields | Static fields | Readonly fields | Const fields | Static constructors | Copy parameters | Ref parameters | Out parameters
Ch 14. Boxing
Value types compared to reference type | Structs compared to classes | Everything derives from object | A problem, the solution - boxing, unboxing | The System.Object class | Do structs really derive from object? | Relationships
Ch 15. Inheritance
Derivied classes - base classes | Inheritance syntax | Calling base class constructors | Multiple inheritance | Virtual methods | Override methods | Sealed methods | New methods
Ch 16. Interfaces
Multiple interfaces | Implicit interface implementation | Explicit interface implementation | Interface property, interface indexer | The is operator, the as operator, the typeof operator
Ch 17. Abstract Classes
Abstract classes | Abstract methods | Sealed classes | Sealed methods | Complete type/method combination | Summary
Ch 18. Garbage Collection
Object birth vs object death | Object.Finalize | Destructors | Deterministic finalization | The using statement | The IDisposable interface Systems
Ch 19. Delegates
Typesafe callbacks | Declaring a delegate type | Creating a delegate instance | Instance method callback | Static method callback | Multicast delegates
Ch 20. Events
Declaring delegate fields as events | EventHandler | EventsArgs | Event publication | Event subscription | Examples from System.WinForms | Event properties
Ch 21. Assemblies
What is an assembly? | Deploying an assembly | Versioning an assembly | Versioning policies | Internal access | Declaring nested types | Nested access | Access modifiers | Nested access semantics
Ch 22. Attributes
What are attributes? | Declaring an attribute class | Tagging a code element with an attribute | Controlling attribute usage | Controlling multiple tags | Positional parameters | Named parameters | Metadata